I understand that the full tuition for the “2025 Yagyas” class series is $2,016.00, and that by signing this registration agreement I am making a contract with Astrid Pujari, MD that I will pay this full amount either all at once or in monthly installments of $168. Please initial your choice below:
I understand that the tuition includes classes over 12 months, with the class schedule to be set and emailed to me prior to the beginning of each month.
I agree to pay the full amount of tuition, regardless of how many classes I attend or do not attend, regardless of circumstances. If I decide to cancel my attendance in the course, I agree to put my request in writing and on the day of my written request, I agree to pay in full the remaining amount of tuition at that time.
I understand that there may or may not be a video or audio recording of any or all classes that I can access after each class if I miss it. I also understand that there will not be a make-up class. I understand that I am responsible for knowing the date and time of the classes, and that the class day and time may be rescheduled by Dr. Pujari with advance notice.
I understand that this class is offered by Zoom only and that I am solely responsible for ensuring that I have a working Zoom account, that I either know or will learn how to use Zoom, and that I will ensure that my Zoom is working prior to the class.
I understand that this class is intended for spiritual education only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness or provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I will hold Astrid Pujari, MD harmless for any information provided.
I understand that the dynamic of the group lends to an open and intimate sharing of personal information, and I can share or not share within my level of trust and comfort, without expectation. I also understand regardless of my contribution, confidentiality is of the utmost importance, and I agree to not share personal details that are shared during class with anyone outside of the group.
(please be patient, this may take a minute)