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Intuitive Coaching

We all know that we have a profound wisdom inside, which can also be called our intuition. Cultivate, in your own way, a deep, trusting relationship with that inner guidance. A life of joy and peace is your birthright; in my experience, the more we cultivate a deep relationship with our inner wisdom, the more fulfilled, joyful and peaceful our lives become. To schedule an appointment, please click on the button below or contact the office.


Please go to the Events page for our current list of classes. 
Astrid Pujari also teaches, performs, and continues to study Vedic ceremony, and if you are interested in a ceremony for a special occasion - including holiday, birthday, business, please contact the office.

Speaking Engagements

Dr. Pujari has spoken nationally and locally on various topics ranging from mindful leadership to integrative medicine and wellness for many different audiences, including physicians, corporate groups and retreats, as well as lay audiences. If you would like to have Dr. Pujari speak at your event, please contact the office.

Integrative Medicine

Dr. Pujari is the medical director for the Center for Integrative Medicine at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health. For information on integrative medicine consultations with Dr. Pujari, please visit the website.

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